18.02. - 15.03.2016. BLACK PAINTINGS
18.02. - 15.03.2016
Galerija "Māksla XO"
Elizabetes iela 14, Rīga, LV 1010

Group exhibition “Black Paintings”
The impulse for the exhibition “Black paintings” was Kazimir Malevich's "Black Square", whose centenary was celebrated on the 12th November 2015. Around the same time - 13th November, I visited Pierre Soulages’ solo exhibition “SOULAGES Peintures 2013 - 2015” at the Galerie Karsten Greve in Paris. Meantime in Riga, Ivars Heinrihsons, while preparing for his exhibition at Art Madrid’16, as one of his goals during the visit called a repeated study of Goya’s “Black Paintings” in Prado museum. These three things twirled the wheel and the exhibition “Black Paintings” was planned.
Even though Malevich's “Black Square” undoubtedly has become the most popular and one of the most powerful art-works of 20th century, however, right from the beginning it was clear that the exhibition won’t be about black as a sign or symbol in art (as in Malevich's case), but about black in painting, black that reveals new vision and understanding about painting itself. I wanted identify, how many of such works are in Latvian contemporary painting... (Ilze Zeivate, 2016).
In the exhibition “Black Paintings” participates: Laris Strunke, Ivars Heinrihsons, Inta Celmina, Uno Danilevskis, Helena Heinrihsone, Inga Meldere, Anna Heinrihsone, Ieva Maurite, Kristina Keire, Zane Iltnere, Tatjana Krivenkova, Sigita Daugule, Harijs Brants