23.08. - 18.09.2018. MAN IN ART
23.08 - 18.09.2018
Galerija "Māksla XO"
Elizabetes iela 14, Rīga, LV 1010

„Though it has often seemed that the human body, as well as everything related to it, experienced ruthless transformations in the time of postmodernism, yet the male and female bodies and the dilemmas of gender and sexuality related to them have not lost their actuality – and will not lose it for a long time to come. That is why, probably, an artistic discussion about the body and identity is still valid and requires an attentive eye. With relation to the latter, men who have participated in art history come to front, though they have not always portrayed their own body, sexual desire or scenes signifying masculine power. Man as a certain guarantee of continuity, uniting the variety of artistic narratives, reflecting upon them and making his own mark on them. It is this multiple and complex discourse of masculinity that is represented in the exhibition of 19 artists “Man in Art”, which embraces artworks created within the period spanning from the 1970s until present day.
What kind of man is presented at the exhibition? He is the beginning of history (like God or His artwork Adam), a charming hero, a brave soldier, a thinker and dreamer, wisely suspicious, physically attractive and emotionally shocking, fragile as a plant and hard as steel, an enchanting and rejecting seducer… Who is he, the man as an artist or the man in art?... This question encourages to consider and analyze every artwork of every artist separately. Doubtlessly, those questions indicate that the further text will be no less provocative in its eclectic structure, divided into separate sections.[...]” - Prof. Dr. Ph. Remigijus Venckus, 2018.
“The exhibition is dedicated to a man – strong and fragile, beautiful, naive and sensitive, a man as a hero, a warrior and the strength, the mind, the peace and the consciousness, a man in art as a creator, and “a creation”, a portrait, a body, emotions and emotionality, the mythical and the contemporary, a husband, a friend, a coeval” – Ilze Žeivate, 2018.
Exhibition concept and editing – Mg. Art. Ilze Žeivate
Scientific Text– Prof. Dr. Ph. Remigijus Venckus
Ilmārs Blumbergs (LV), Kristians Brekte (LV), Andris Breže (LV), Jonas Gasiūnas (LT), Kristaps Ģelzis (LV), Ivars Heinrihsons (LV), Atis Ieviņš (LV), Ritums Ivanovs (LV), Andrejs Kalnačs (LV), Ginters Krumholcs (LV), Leonards Laganovskis (LV), Leonhard Lapin (EE), Paulis Liepa (LV), Marko Mäetamm (EE), Jānis Mitrēvics (LV), Gļebs Panteļejevs (LV), Kaspars Podnieks (LV), Kristaps Zariņš (LV), Ivs Zenne (LV).
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