21.11. - 24.11.2024 PAPER POSITIONS Vienna 2024
21.11. - 24.11.2024
Kursalon Wien
Johannesgasse 33, 1010 Vienna, Austria

Maksla XO Gallery at PAPER POSITIONS Vienna 2024
Artists: Janis Sneiders, Paulis Liepa, Bodo Korsig
Stand # 09
The first edition of PAPER POSITIONS Vienna 2024 took place from November 21 to 24. 2024. PAPER POSITIONS Vienna 2024 is an international contemporary and modern art fair with a unique focus on drawings, works on paper, collages, art books, illustrations, and paper sculptures. Alongside works by contemporary artists, the fair showcased pieces by modern art classics and old masters, including Mimmo Paladino, Lyonel Feininger, Antoni Clavé, and Pablo Picasso.
PAPER POSITIONS Vienna 2024 stood out for its distinctive concept of creating an art fair reminiscent of an art salon. The thoughtfully curated number of participants and carefully designed booth sizes fostered a spacious, bright, and airy group exhibition atmosphere, while also serving as a dynamic art market platform.
The event was organized by the internationally acclaimed team behind POSITIONS Berlin, a trusted name in the global art market. Their extensive network of art market contacts, collaborations with institutions, collector base, and ensured high-caliber participants and widespread publicity. The fair also emphasized promoting emerging artists by fostering partnerships with supporting organizations.
Maksla XO Gallery has been participating in art fairs organized by POSITIONS Berlin since 2010, representing Latvian artists in Germany and, now in Austria. This year, the gallery's exhibition featured paintings on paper by Jānis Šneiders, the latest graphic works by Paulis Liepa, and paper wall sculptures by German artist Bodo Korsig.
Ltd “Mākslas galerija Māksla XO” on the 10th of April 2024 signed an agreement No 17.1-1-L-2024/189 with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia on receiving support for export assistance under the project “SME Innovative Business Development” co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.